If you've been wondering where I've been I've been stuck studying for about three weeks and after all that studying I still failed my insurance exam...again. Yes, I have taken the Mississippi Property and Casualty insurance exam twice and failed it the first time with a 68 and the second time with a 69. I only have to make a 70. To say I was crushed is an understatement. I cried, I heaved, I hyperventilated a little when I checked my computer and saw that sad little score. I'm not upset over the failing of the test, I've failed lots of things in my life, I'm upset over the investiment of time. I've spent litterally every spare minute over the last three weeks studying for this test. I took it the first time at the urging of my boss, when I knew good and darn well I had to business wasting the time or the money to take the thing a mere week after going to school the previous weekend. I took it yesterday and felt a lot better about it and still managed to fail it. Oh well. Life goes on, puffy tear swelled eyes go down, and studying will begin again. At least I'm going up each time instead of going down which was the case when I took the ACT in high school. It's a hard, tricky test with lots of questions you never have to answer in real life but the state feels is of utmost importance to quiz you on, stupid. It's also multiple choice which is my cryptonite. I literaly would rather take an essay test and fill up three blue books than take this damn 100 question multiple choice test.
So, I'm going to take a few weeks off and go back and try to take it on the 18th. My house needs a good cleaning, I'm behind on some photography work, and I want to do a little sewing. I'm off Friday so if at all possible there will be some riding done this weekend as well.
I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July holiday and I'll hopefully be in better spirits next week. I'm just pretty down right now and if you don't mind I'm going to wallow just a little.
Later my loveies.
Happy 2025! (Year in Review)
1 month ago