Friday, April 9, 2010

Hello my dears and darlings!

I'm back! After quite a long hiatus I am back for more blogging. I have been doing a lot of sewing and reading lately and to tell you the truth had just lost my journaling mojo. I'm on the road to reclaim it and am even starting to write in my paper journal again. You know things are bad with me if I lack the desire to write in my journal. So, on to some pictures!

Last night I went to the Mississippi State University Spring Senior thesis show. It was exactly 5 years ago I was in the same place as these graduating artists. The name of the show is "Naked Sponges." While I have no idea what the meaning of the name is, I am going to make an effort to find out. I went in particular to see the work of a girl who is roommates with one of my coworkers. Her work was a series of photographs of her great grandmother's handmade evening dresses. They were digital prints and framed in old window frames. Very interesting I have to say. There was also some other great student work. One of which I have some pictures, which was a great installation as well as some beautiful paintings, and a really awesome animation sequence. I didn't even bother taking any photos; you just have to see it.

Excuse the terrible pictures, all I had with me was my small point and shoot camera that I carry around in my purse. Visit my flickr page to view any photos larger.

Have a wonderful weekend my lovelies and check back next week for more new content. I promise!

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